Assume you want to create a integration test for UserDao class which has CRUD methods e.g find, save, update, delete.

Please note that for integration test:

  • we are testing with other system like db so, we may require populate example data before test.
  • the test method name should say that we are expecting the actual return value or save successfully, NOT invoke or interaction with some method

  • shouldReturnNewUserWhenCreateNewUserOnSave() –> OK
  • shouldInvokeSaveMehtodWhenUserIsNotNullOnSave() –> NOT
public class UserDaoImpl implements UserDao {
    User find(PK id) {...}
    User save(User object) {...}
    boolean delete(PK id) {...}

Create new class name UserDaoIntegrationTest with annotations as below

@ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath:applicationContext-dao-test.xml")
public class UserDaoIntegrationTest {

Inject class you want to test

private UserDao userDao;

Crete test method

public void shoudXXX() {

Verify actual return value

assertThat(user.getUserName(), equalTo("user1"));

Method Template

public void should<Expecting>When<Criteria>On<MehtodName> {
    // Given
    Populate require arguments for testing method.
    // When
    Invoke method you want to test with actual value.
    // Then
    Check return value from the method.


public void shouldReturnUserOnFindByKey() throws Exception {
	// Given // When 
	final User user = this.userDao.find(1L);
	// Then
	assertThat(user.getUserName(), equalTo("user1"));
public void shouldCreateNewUserOnSave() throws Exception {
	// Given 
	final User newUser = User.getDefaultObject();
	newUser.setEmail("[email protected]");
	// When
	final User createdUser =;
	// Then
	final User foundUser = this.userDao.find(createdUser.getId());
	assertThat(foundUser.getUserName(), equalTo("abc"));
	assertThat(foundUser.getPassword(), equalTo("password"));
	assertThat(foundUser.getEmail(), equalTo("[email protected]"));
	assertThat(foundUser.getCreatedBy(), equalTo("admin"));
	assertThat(foundUser.getLastModifiedBy(), equalTo("admin"));