Create Integration Test with Spring
Assume you want to create a integration test for UserDao class which has CRUD methods e.g find, save, update, delete.
Please note that for integration test:
- we are testing with other system like db so, we may require populate example data before test.
the test method name should say that we are expecting the actual return value or save successfully, NOT invoke or interaction with some method
–> OKshouldInvokeSaveMehtodWhenUserIsNotNullOnSave()
–> NOT
public class UserDaoImpl implements UserDao {
User find(PK id) {...}
User save(User object) {...}
boolean delete(PK id) {...}
Create new class name UserDaoIntegrationTest with annotations as below
@ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath:applicationContext-dao-test.xml")
public class UserDaoIntegrationTest {
Inject class you want to test
private UserDao userDao;
Crete test method
public void shoudXXX() {
Verify actual return value
assertThat(user.getUserName(), equalTo("user1"));
Method Template
public void should<Expecting>When<Criteria>On<MehtodName> {
// Given
Populate require arguments for testing method.
// When
Invoke method you want to test with actual value.
// Then
Check return value from the method.
public void shouldReturnUserOnFindByKey() throws Exception {
// Given // When
final User user = this.userDao.find(1L);
// Then
assertThat(user.getUserName(), equalTo("user1"));
public void shouldCreateNewUserOnSave() throws Exception {
// Given
final User newUser = User.getDefaultObject();
newUser.setEmail("[email protected]");
// When
final User createdUser =;
// Then
final User foundUser = this.userDao.find(createdUser.getId());
assertThat(foundUser.getUserName(), equalTo("abc"));
assertThat(foundUser.getPassword(), equalTo("password"));
assertThat(foundUser.getEmail(), equalTo("[email protected]"));
assertThat(foundUser.getCreatedBy(), equalTo("admin"));
assertThat(foundUser.getLastModifiedBy(), equalTo("admin"));